Malo Inizan
HEC Paris
Malo Inizan is The MergerSight Group’s Partner at HEC Paris; he is responsible for recruiting analysts
and managing the production of M&A reports. He completed two years of Preparatory Classes before
joining the MIM program at HEC Paris and is currently in his first year of his Master’s degree. In 2024,
Malo spent a semester at the National University of Singapore (NUS) before interning at the Yunus
Centre in Bangladesh, where he worked on microcredit initiatives under the mentorship of 2006
Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Yunus.
Along with his role at The MergerSight Group, Malo is also the Treasurer of the HEC Finance Club.
Outside of his academic work, he is a sports enthusiast with a passion for volleyball and football, and
he serves as the President of the HEC Volleyball Club.